Pornography: The Third Wheel
Photo Cred: Pornography: The Third Wheel Instagram, Facebook, and Twitter are peppered with “the happy couple”. Captions filled with heart-eyed emojis and I-love-yous are paired with pictures of couples kissing, embracing, and holding hands. Smiles are pasted on and facades are created to portray the ideal relationship. But what Instagram doesn’t show is the “third-wheel” that constantly accompanies this “happy couple” on their long walks on the beach, exquisite dinners, and romantic date nights. This third-wheel is Pornography. Oxford living dictionary defines pornography as “printed or visual material containing the explicit description or display of sexual organs or activity, intended to stimulate sexual excitement” (Oxford Dictionaries). Culture today teaches that pornography is a normal and an acceptable part of growing up. In fact, viewing pornography is culturally understood to help in the sexual development of emerging teens and young adults. Pornography i...